Dr. Uqbah Iqbal is a Socioeconomic Researcher at Research for Social Advancement. Winning Second Place in Malaysian Historical Essay Writing Competition 2013, he was the recipient of Research University Fellowship Scheme, Graduate on Time Award and Outstanding Student Award from Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities as well as the Youngest Ph.D. in History Holder and the only Malaysian achieved a Ph.D. in History in conjunction with the 43rd Convocation of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He's authoring notable books/ebooks such as The Historical Development of the Malay Nationalism Before Independence, The Historical Development of the Malay Society Economic Nature During Pre-Colonial Era, The Historical Development of British Investment in Malaya Before the Second World War, The Historical Development of Foreign Investment in the Formation of the Malaysian Economy and Sejarah Pemikiran Pandang Ke Timur: Kepentingan Jepun Dalam Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi Malaysia (1906-1980). His publications have appeared in a wide range of international and national journals such as TAWARIKH, SUSURGALUR, Management and Administrative Sciences Review, Social and Basic Sciences Research Review, Jurnal Kemanusiaan, Jurnal Sejarah, Jurnal Pengajian Melayu, Jebat, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Asian Social Science and Geografia. He's also actively in the editorial board such as Asian Social Science, International Journal of Art and Literature, International Journal of Archaeology and History, American Journal of Social Sciences, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, History Research and Pratidhwani the Echo. Through his involvement as a reviewer with the Nonfiction Authors Association, 15 of his reviewed books received Awards.
Research Interest
Research for Social Advancement.
Giulio Tarro, graduated from Medicine School of Naples University. Research Associate at Division of Virology and Cancer Research, Children’s Hospital and Assistant Professor of Research Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a Professor of Oncological Virology at University of Naples. He worked for National Research Council, Rome, and for National Cancer Institute, Frederick Center, Maryland. He became Division Chief of Virology, and then Department Chief of Diagnostic Laboratories, D. Cotugno Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Naples; Emeritus, 2006-. Since 2007 he is Chairman Committee on Biotechnologies and Virus Sphere World Academy Biomedical Technologies, UNESCO, and Adjunct Professor Department Biology Temple University College of Science and Techology, Philadelphia. Recipient of the Sbarro Health Research Organization lifetime achievement award (2010). His researches have been concerned with the characterization of specific virus-induced tumor antigens, which were the “finger-prints†left behind in human cancer. Achievements include patents in field; discovery of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in infant deaths in Naples and of tumor liberated protein as a tumor associated antigen, 55 kilodalton protein overexpressed in lung tumors and other epithelial adenocarcinomas. President Foundation de Beaumont Bonelli for Cancer Research.
Research Interest
Foundation T. & L de Beaumont Bonelli for cancer research